Category Blog

Office Hygiene: How Clean is Your Desk?

If you work in an office environment you more than likely have your own desk, a small but important workspace where you will spend a considerable amount of your time at work. But did you know that the average desktop…

Why Add Commercial Cleaning to Your Annual Business Budget?

April is here and as the new financial year begins, businesses in the UK are casting their thoughts forward to their 2018/19 budget. But when looking at the annual overheads for commercial properties, has your business considered the advantage of…

How a Clean Desk Policy Can Benefit Your Business

The Clean Desk policy has become an increasingly popular initiative for UK business, simply requiring employees to put away all papers, files and other clutter before they leave the office. Initially introduced for the sole purpose of increasing security and…

Keeping Your Business Premises Clean in 2018

The New Year is here and as many of us embark on personal goals for 2018, it’s also a great opportunity to make lasting changes within the workplace. Keeping your office or commercial property clean and tidy throughout the year…